Maximizing your Chances of Success

There are 48 courses on offer to Oxford Undergraduates. We have summaries and packages to purchase for all of these.

Please note that for degrees involving Modern Languages or Oriental Studies, there are many combinations. Please see the bottom of this page for more information regarding language combinations*.


Oxford Undergraduate Degree Courses

Oxford Undergraduate Modern Languages, Modern Languages Joint Honours, and Oriental Studies Courses:

*For instance, for Modern Languages alone, there are  48 different combinations, ranging from Czech (with Slovak) & Beginners’ Russian to Spanish with Polish. For courses with language options, you must apply specifically for your chosen language. 

If you do not see your specific language listed, you may purchase the equivalent general course option. For example, if you wish to study History and Modern Greek, you may purchase History and Modern Languages as you will still receive a ranked shortlist of colleges and applicable insider information. The only difference is that the equivilant general course will not factor in the specific language availability at the colleges, which you can check here.

If this applies to you, please email us at [email protected]. We will email you when the specific language page is ready and give you free access to this (if you have previously purchased the equivalent general course option).