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The Facts
UCAS Code:
Standard Requirements:
A levels| A*AA
IB | 40-42, 776 in HL
For other qualifications, check the Cambridge University website.
Required Subjects:
A level / IB HL in the language required by some colleges. A Level/ IB HL History is required by some colleges.
Advisable Subjects:
None stated by the university.
None stated by the university.
Two pieces of recently graded work (One piece of written work should be in language you intend to study if applying for a post-A Level language)
24 in 2021. (32% offered, 32% accepted)

The Lowdown
This four-year, joint honours degree combines the best parts of the History and MML degrees, and students will benefit from the vast range of library resources available to both History and MML undergraduates. Cambridge has consistently ranked highly for this course, usually placing within the top three both UK-wide and worldwide. You have the opportunity to learn German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, or French as a language, in addition to historical, cultural, and political theories. You will also take a year abroad in your third year.
In first year, the course is focused on building your familiarity with your chosen language; you will have language classes and a culture paper on that country. The history aspect is covered through two survey papers, either focusing on particular topics or expanding your methodological framework.
Language classes continue in second year, in addition to three modules, which will be a combination of language and history modules.
The third year grants you a placement opportunity abroad; you will also write a project on a topic related to the history of the country that you are staying in.
In your fourth and final year, you continue your language classes in addition to three optional papers; once again, these combine history and language topics. You can also choose to complete a 10,000 word dissertation on a topic of your own choice. History and Modern Languages is one of the smallest faculties at Cambridge with an intake of fewer than 35 students per year. In 2021, it was the joint smallest UG degree course, tying with Archaeology for the honour, with just 24 students. Of these students, there are almost double the amount of female than male students, both in terms of applications and offers.
Depending on the language you have chosen, you may have to take an A-Level (or equivalent) in that subject, or at least prove that you can learn languages. You may also need to take History A-Level (or equivalent) to apply to certain colleges. Having acquired near-fluency in the language you have chosen, this course will make you highly employable. You might wish to pursue employment in media, teaching, consulting, law, finance, or public policy. You will also have the option of taking further study in either History or MML.
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