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The Facts
UCAS Code:
Standard Requirements:
A levels| A*AA (A* expected to be achieved in Mathematics. If FM is taken, then the A*A must include Mathematics and FM)
IB | 39, 766 in HL
BTEC - A conditional offer of DDD in the extended diploma, an A* in A level maths stands for candidates applying.
For other qualifications, check the Oxford University website.
Required Subjects:
Advisable Subjects:
Further Mathematics
None stated by the university.
No written work needs to be submitted
41 (26% interviewed, 9% successful)

The Lowdown
Both of this course’s disciplines are logical complements to one another. Maths is needed for computing, while computing is being used more and more to solve mathematical problems. This course looks at how computing and maths overlap and studies the theory behind the practice. It can be exciting to see how new mathematical techniques and algorithms can be applied to the real world.
The first part of the course offers a more rigid structure, but as it progresses, students are offered more choice and can specialise in their favourite areas. In the final year, options include model theory and category theory on the maths side, and quantum computer science and automata, logic and games to name a few on the computing side. Students work in groups to complete a design practical in their second year. This project can be sponsored by a company.
Teaching largely takes place through lectures. Students also attend tutorials in small groups, where they will discuss the week’s work and go through problem sheets or questions that they have been set. It’s a relatively small course, with an average intake just above 40 a year, of whom almost 85% are men. It’s also one of the 5 most competitive courses at Oxford with an average of 10.6 applicants per place.
An A Level (or equivalent) in Maths is required and - if offered - Further Maths is recommended.
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