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Increase your chances of getting into
Oxford or Cambridge!
Our proprietary algorithm ranks colleges in order of competitiveness for each course to increase your chance of success
Saves time and lessens stress with our insider knowledge
Choose your course, click unlock. Voila!
College filtering
Do you dream of an old fashioned, typical dreaming spires type college? Do you want a college in the centre of town? Are you hoping to be an academic, and, therefore, want a college that has one of the strongest academic records, giving you a better likelihood of a First? The model helps you narrow down your college choices by choosing the characteristics and qualities that are most important to you, helping you to discover your dream Oxbridge college.
Ranked college list
Using data-driven research into trending Oxbridge admissions and predictive modelling (using various statistical methods), the Oxbridge College Optimizer guides you as to which of the colleges will fulfil your criteria as well as provide you with the greatest chance of an offer. These colleges are ranked, showing you which college you're most likely to get accepted into for your course.
Course interview questions and tips
Many prospective students wonder how to best prepare for an Oxford or Cambridge interview. Our course specific interview questions give you an idea of what you may be asked for your chosen course. Our interview tips give you possible reading lists, topics to brush up on, and insider interview specifics like how long you can expect your interview to last, what the structure may be, and how many faculty members you can expect to speak to.
Insider intel
Written by Oxbridge alumni, we know the best insider information to increase your chance of an offer. No more scouring the internet only to find confusing information. Our insight on the structure of the application and interview process will help you feel confident in your decision of where to apply and how to increase your chance of getting in.
General Oxbridge Interview questions
There’s a class of Oxbridge Interview questions that could be asked of anybody, no matter what subject they wish to read. Our extensive list of practice questions will help you prepare for the style of questions that you may be asked, ensuring that you can prove that you are a good fit for Oxford or Cambridge.
Course and college bios
You want to be part of a college or university where you can thrive, be happy, and reach your potential. Use Optimal Oxbridge to learn more about the universities and their various colleges. Learn about all the courses offered by the university to find the best pick for you.
Save time and find the right Oxbridge college for you
Choosing a potential college is tricky – it is a big decision and you may not know what you want yet!
How does it work?
First, we help you find the right college. You tell us what is important to you, and we narrow down what options may be a potential match. Next, we rank these in order of highest chance of offer. Then, you apply and use our insider info to prepare for your interview like a pro.
So, how do we do it?
Data. Lots and lots of it. We have collected all sorts of it; all the way from statistics published by the universities to personal feedback from Oxbridge applicants.
Then, we took this data and analyzed it – a lot. We checked for validity, reliability, and usefulness. Then, our team of data scientists and statisticians set up algorithms and predictive modeling to allow us to rank the colleges by chance of offer with confidence.
We know first hand how equally stressful and exciting picking a college is, so we get it – it’s a big decision that will shape the next chapter of your life.
We also know that right now, your life is busy. Whether it be finishing your exams, attending class, doing your extracurriculars, or trying to squeeze in time see your friends, you have a full plate. You may not have time to sift through the seemingly endless amounts of information about college options, so we’ve done that for you.
Let our Oxbridge College Optimizer help find the right college for you. All it takes is 5 minutes, and you can have shortlist of colleges that may be a good fit and that give you the highest chance of receiving an offer. Who knew it could be so simple?
Optimal Oxbridge Packages
A small price to pay for what may be the best decision of your life

Oxford College Optimizer
- One Oxford undergraduate course of your choice*
- Course descriptions and Insider Info
- Oxbridge Optimiser Model
- Ranked list of your top 5 colleges
- College Bios
- Insider Intel regarding course specific interviews
- Insider Info with General Interview tips
- Practice interview questions
- Access to 1 January 2024

Cambridge College Optimizer
- One Cambridge undergraduate course of your choice*
- Course descriptions
- Oxbridge Optimiser Model
- Ranked short list of your top 5 colleges
- College Bios
- Insider Intel regarding course specific interviews
- Insider Info with General Interview tips
- Practice interview questions
- Access to 1 January 2024
*For ultimate flexibility, you can purchase both Oxford and Cambridge universities, or more than one course, all under the same account for easy access. Just remember that you can only apply for one course and at either Oxford or Cambridge but not both (unless you are applying for an Organ Scholarship. Those applying for choral scholarships may only apply to either Cambridge or Oxford but not both).
**Our Optimal Oxbridge packages are currently available for undergraduates only. Watch this space if you are a postgraduate!
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Start Your Oxbridge Journey Now
Designed with the sole focus of increasing your chances of an offer
We focus on the research, so you can enjoy the best part – making a well-informed choice. Tell us what you want from your university experience using the Optimizer’s filters, and we will provide you with your personalized shortlist of the top 5 colleges where you have the best chance of receiving an offer. Our proprietary tech combines current data, predictive modelling, insider information and trending insights to give you the greatest chance of getting into the college that is right for you.